Sunday, March 29, 2009

islamic information center

Last Saturday, i attended a forum which entitled : Youth: leadership & Change which was organised by Islamic Information Center (IIC)-- at Jalan song inviting the distinguished speakers from different religion to share in this topic. Kuching Buddhist Society was represented by Brother Lau from the english dharma propagation section.

Really learnt a lot from the respective speakers who share their viewpoint in leading from their religious viewpoint: from Islam, Christian, Sikh and last but not least from the Buddhist perspectives.

Surprisingly, i found that the design of IIC is really good which incorporates different culture in their building, which i had the opportunity to snap some pictures around IIC.

the front view of IIC main building is mainly chinese style

side view of IIC, big pillars

i like the wall which is modified to become the fountain

the other building which is the Barok style (melanau or Iban style)

seems like the Chinese temple or the palace

Friday, March 20, 2009

bad day

yesterday was a terrible day for me, the presentation was really bad..... huh~ really embarrasing!~ its because of not enough preparation and misunderstanding between colleagues, so it really was an unforgettable experience. first time in my life, being "shot" by Dr. and criticized..... hmm... nevermind, i know its a hard way for us especially the part time student in the course.. however, i discovered new things and concepts which is relevant in writing papers.... in such a way, i did grow up.... nevermind, its a process....

but one of my group members was not satisfied because "kena shoot" coz, in her point of view that we actually don know the format for the presentation then she blame it on the other colleagues from other group. i think this would create some "issues" between us, something weird lar.. may be i think too much lar..

i had made up my mind to struggle through the following semester to complete in time... still cracking my head to find a field for me to do research on.... SIGH! no more working, no more other distraction, concentrate and concentrate...

Thursday, March 19, 2009


昨天,在还未到大学上课时,看看手上的表,时间还蛮充裕的,所以就在Tabuan一间新开张营业的商场闲逛。哪知我一踏入商场时,就有一位脸带笑容的年轻人走来,向我推介产品并且邀我进店里看看。。。。。盛情难却所以就跟随他进入店里,依据他所说他们的商品是来自德国并且拥有优良的历史背景,现在他们刚打入马来西亚的市场所以现在这个阶段在做促销。以5令吉就可以得到他们的产品并且有机会赢得大奖,在他的游说下,我又想看看到底这帮年轻人到底在搞什么,所以就继续玩所谓的“游戏”。一路过关斩将,顺利到大奖时刻,并且可以获得home theather 一台,但是系统有点故障,所以要打电话到厂商那边询问...看看四周的人表情都怪怪的.....而且打电话的人也是一样不敢于我四目交接,所以就赶快逃离现场....避免被人占便宜....WHEW..... 幸好幸好全身而退。。。。。

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

KK 大众缘素食馆

有过谁有到kota kinabalu时,可以到大众素食馆指教指教。。。。我弟是主厨哦!

Friday, March 13, 2009


from secondary school till now i don really like mathematics, may be i m not good in logical thinking though. during university life, 1st semester i have to do statistic and mathematic in engineering and sciences, huh, that really was stressing me up... my level of adrenaline (hope that i din get it wrong) getting higher and higher after every class......

my master program also have statistic, but no more calculation like the undergraduates;flipping through the buku sifir and pressing buttons of calculator (casio FX570). now everything i do using software, SPSS, now then i realise the power of statistics. it help us to draw some conclusion from a population by collecting samples from it (*the data collected have to be valid lar in the first place.)

statistics could be divided into two categories: descriptive and inferential. Descriptive is the just giving information about the sample that was observed and inferential statistic would allow us to draw conclusions based on the sample data collected. for example, during Barrack obama's election campaign, we did see percentage of Obama will be the president of America. the expert did not collect samples from all the residents of america, but selectively choose their respondents. from that sample collected, they could make some prediction to it...

hmm.... this data collected is really useful if it was interpreted and provide some information to all the top managers or the management to start a new policy. i m wondering, did our government do the research before taking a decision to have a new policies? especially in education....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

recession period

Master level of my course requires thinking skills and much more applications; it was no more like undergraduates which I could consider as spoon feeding type. Master level has required us to have own ideas especially how argumentative you are in that particular point of view, we could carried out discussion with our lecturer or they called themselves course coordinator.

During our discussion time, we had some new input on the hottest issue right now, the recession period. Our big boss, USA’s economy has collapsed and this has much impact on the exporting country including Malaysia. There is always a quote that when America Sneeze the others will catch a cold, we are a lot more dependent on them. Many people were laid off or retrenched to cut down the operational cost, banks are giving less loans for housing but there is an increment in personal loan.

In such dynamic condition with so much turbulence, we ought to save our money to ourselves and try not to spend much. There are some problems with the mindset of our people, when we are trying to cut down the cost of living and it actually couldn’t help our economy. Those who have been retrenched are suffering and having difficulties in their daily lives. On the other hand, we could create some wealth if we increase the buying power which will lead to more demand of the product and create more job opportunities. In fact, Taiwan has released some policies or incentives to their people so that they can spend, and stimulate the growth of economy within the country.

This requires all of the Malaysians to participate, everyone need to help!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009






