Wednesday, January 14, 2009






建立阿弥陀佛关怀中心缘起於他在2000年访问马拉威孤儿院时,便强烈体会到非洲孤儿正等着帮忙与照顾,同时鉴于马拉威集贫穷落后疾病於一身,并于2001年正式成立ACC (Amitofo Care Centre),主要任务是从最根本的儿童教育做起。


Sunday, January 11, 2009


有弘法旋风的慧律法师在2008年和大家一起到数,并且在吉隆坡Bukit Jalil 体育馆内举行2场弘法会-正信的佛教与解脱。法师幽默风趣的弘法内容让在场的数万人捧腹大笑,并且此次有缘与法师合影留念。法师个子小小,不过弘法的时候犹如狮子吼破邪显正正如一股清凉澈入心底。

2009 master programme

this semester i got 3 module/ subject for my master programme
Human Resource management
Management in workplace
Statistic for social science

basically this year's programme is a continuity from my 1st semester where we will discuss more on the management portion whereas last semester i was exposed to the development of human resource in career development, organisational development, training and development.

the two subject in management seems are the same but in Human resource management it is more on to strategic planning whereas in management in workplace is more on to the management function: planning, organising, leading and controlling.

In statistics, i hate maths; but in order to collect data and make the raw data into useful information we do need some help in technology. i will learn SPSS software to help me to analyse the data and make some conclusion according to the study. hopefully, this gonna help me in my thesis writing...